How future-oriented is your HR?
How do you know if you’re ahead of the future HR game? Our quiz will help you figure the level of your future readiness for the HR challenges waiting for you.
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How do you know if you’re ahead of the future HR game? Our quiz will help you figure the level of your future readiness for the HR challenges waiting for you.
We’ve entered the era of future-oriented HR, in which HR leaders act as business partners. They align workforce capital with strategic business goals and contribute to their organizations’ success in the long term.
Future readiness and ability to think out of the box are one of the key indicators that demonstrate HR’s potential to deal with upcoming challenges.
Have you ever wondered if you and your team have the same future-oriented HR potential? Take our quick quiz to find out!
We defined three stages of future orientation in HR. Find out which score your HR department would hit!
You can be proud of yourself. Being the future-oriented HR leader like you means leading the whole organization and its people towards outstanding business results.
You’ve already laid the foundation for being a future-oriented HR professional. Don’t stop with that and keep on improving.
It seems like you’ve recently started your journey in discovering the future of HR. Don’t give up!
HRForecast is one of the fastest-growing and fully bootstrapped Germany-based HR tech startups, aimed at providing applications and data analytics services for analyzing global market data and planning towards building tomorrow’s workforce. HRForecast operates worldwide and works with enterprise-level companies such as Siemens, Deutsche Bahn, Lufthansa, Continental, Merck KGaA, and other prominent organizations.
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